
Welcome to the WMO Internship Program. WMO offers members and non-members an interesting an challenging range of potential engagements in order to deepen professional insights, to strengthen interpersonal relations, and to be productive in a sustainable and meaningful way. Together we build, together we grow, together we support peace building on an international level.

WMO offers a virtual / online research internship of 3 – 6 months. This call is directed to all members and non-members who might want to leave a remarkable professional trace. In the first month, the intern studies the WMO Online Expert Training, from the second to the sixth month, the intern realizes global conflict analysis, creates conflict reports, develops social peace concepts, publishes podcasts, and identifies potential partners for realizing such peace supportive activities in an even wider range in future.

The internship does not include payment. If you are interested in such a service and commitment to society, please send us a 500 words (max.) motivation letter by making use of the general contact form.

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