Expert Training

The WMO Expert Training is a newly developed course on the interdisciplinary topic of Mindful Mediation & Conflict Management in the English language. Our training concept provides the flexibility and accessibility for students to study at their own pace. It considers international research results regarding the sustainable benefits of teaching Comprehensive and Mindful Mediation. Our training program places the focus on understanding conflicts, the various dispute resolution options and the attitude of the human individual. Its pedagogic setting includes self-reflection, thematic input, and putting the content to practice.

WMO does not only talk about a change but truly initiates such within society. We believe that peace supportive social skills are a human right, and every person should further develop mindful mediative and conflict management skills in order to have a positive and transforming impact on the society. In order to include as many potential students and to exclude none of them, based on financial capabilities, we minimized the fee as much as possible. Due to this procedure, students may finalize the program and send in the course diary for evaluation. Once a student received the course certificate, (s)he can can apply for a WMO / EUCLID University Post-Graduate Certificate. Based on a MOU between both authorities, such is granted without further studies.

Program Advisor, Professor William Zartman, on our activities:

I am quite impressed with the ambition and organization of the World Mediation Organization as it seeks to bring together the diverse experiences of mediators – often grassroots mediators – throughout the world and to learn from them. We all need to expand and improve our awareness and practice of mediation.

Introduction: This cross-border and cross-cultural training does not intend to impose a western style of Mindful Mediation on another culture. The content of this training emulsifies with the cultural background and language of the student and allows him or her to become a unique professional. In this way, WMO is able to offer the student the only worldwide achievable training that truly respects and works with global diversity.  If you feel that all this is true and highly valuable, than you may understand that to become a successful and effective mediator requires you to explore Mindful Mediation’s inner logic. A certain level of self-awareness and awareness regarding the environment you are living in or you are getting professionally in touch with, ought be created.

Author’s Statement: I believe that each of us should open her- / himself in order learn a very important lesson, namely that Mindful Mediation is also a process of healing others and of healing the society. We should try to raise the awareness of this potential skill that lies within each of us. I do not want you to study thousands of pages and endless concepts and models to be kept in mind. I want you to properly understand what the core of Mindful Mediation is, and to be able to truly work with the few topics that I will introduce to you. It will be more about self-reflection instead of enlarging the quantity of topics to be studied. The clue is the proper personal understanding of what mediation may be on a very individual basis and how it can be developed while including all the diversity that life offers. This is the true secret of my mediation, what I later on called, Mindful Mediation. This training concept grants all necessary space for you to create your own conceptual understanding of mediation. What means that ‘my mediation’ turns into ‘your mediation’ without injecting any sort of dogma to your mind. Therefore, this course will introduce you to self-reflection, deep listening, critical thinking, and wise speaking. Personally, I wish that this content will serve you and your environment at its best.

Structure and Content: The curriculum combines innovative perspectives on the acquisition and the application of knowledge. The innovative online format prepares candidates for the national and international job market. Candidates will be invited to participate in our growing network of students, alumni, and experts to exchange opinions and information on global issues beyond the scope of the three to six months study program. The outstanding benefit of our programme is the fact that our students do not only study the basics, but also get a deep knowledge of alternative dispute resolution in general. Hereby we enable our students to act as successful future professionals. Due to the preamble on Peace Education, our students become conflict consultants and trainers for conflict resolution at the same time. Topics that this training deals with: Mindfulness in Mediation, Applied Mindful Mediation, Analyzing and detecting Conflict, Interpersonal Crisis Communication, Critical Thinking – From Theory to Practice.

The learning process that you are about to experience, is pretty much self-explaining, that means, that each syllabus is structured into three parts, namely into: Section A – a self-reflection, Section B – the main content of the chapter, and Section C – an article that needs to be created. Basically, the program leads you from one section to the next one. Therefore, you simply have to follow the instructions scheduled in the content and to remember to proper goal that you set yourself, namely the development and further improvement of your personal and professional skills. 

The course provides an essential overview of topics and issues related to Mindful Mediation and Conflict Management, notably: Mindfulness in Mediation, Applied Mediative Skills, Analyzing and Detecting Conflict, Interpersonal Crisis Communication, Critical Thinking – From Theory to Practice. Thereby, we equip you with the necessary quantity of key skills and insights to truly work in the field. You will be able to understand, remember, and to use the skills in due form. Additionally, you will understand that the delivered content is the starting point to finally discover and create your unique version of the topic.