The negotiation table equals the operation table

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Internships in mediation, are not role-playing. The internships in mediation should be like the residences in medicine, the conflict is the patient, which requires the intervention of the professional, around are the interests, beliefs, emotions in play that bid to be right about how the professional will collaborate with them in cure the sick.

But the patient is there, and one must save it, sometimes with haste our presence is required because the patient is going to intensive therapy, if we do not intervene quickly, the patient dies, but if the surgeon has his instruments and does not knowingly use, the patient may also get worse or die. Teach the future professional, first to make a good diagnosis of the patient, conflict, then analyze the different tools or instruments for their intervention, if the professional can not do it, then he is not yet ready to act, and it is preferable that he does not, then, those who witness his intervention will have a not very good opinion of the institute or method used, because the professional did not know how to apply properly, and they will not want to go through that bad experience again.

For that reason, it is necessary to observe, what the experienced professionals do in each case, and to learn from them although the day of tomorrow, the student surpasses the professor, never he is going to forget that technique, that unthinkable exit that the expert taught him. This is how you learn, starting from the base, that every day we are amazed by the different cases, because all conflicts, organisms are not the same, and some require minor adjustments, and little time in the operating room, but others require interventions in stages, even on different days, while wounds are healing.

When we are witnessing the surgical intervention inside or near the operating room, it is not the same as when we are told how the operation was, because there is no valid book there. The expertise of the professional is reviewing the patient (conflict), leading him to use the tools incorporated, to find the affected area, interests and work on them with care, being careful not to damage other organs. You live in that moment the coming and going, the gestures, the movements of the professional, the anguish of the parties, the doubts, the smell of fear, the tremors in the hands and legs until the patient leaves danger, and there is a sign that says “it was possible, we succeeded!” But then comes the postoperative, and there you have to be very careful that the emotions that seize the patient, do not make him depressed, thinking that it might have been better another more complete result, and not letting it devalue what has been done, or think that He could have achieved more than he obtained.

I worry about those future professional students, who are thrown into the void with parachutes that they do not know how to use, for them, for the bad moment that will happen, and for those who observe them, because they can say “you saw me I told you better not to throw yourself in parachute, to do it, if as we have been doing it works, slow but it works. “(judgment) and conclude” these novel things last a short time “, when in other countries they are common currency because they were slowly unlearning, to learn new knowledge.

Starting from the base, that one is the theory, and another the practice and the experience is not something that is incorporated overnight, it is a matter of trial and error, but very carefully because the patient can get worse or die It is an artisanal work, where the professional must be concentrated in each movement, in each gesture, in each reaction, in each look, in the silences, and sometimes monitor again and again if what he perceives is that reality that is in the air, because it runs the risk of making mistakes and losing sight of the objective, which is the patient (conflict) from there not leaving, closing the case, without solving the same.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. ESTIMADO : el tema del artìculo proviene, que aquì en ARGENTINA, si bien hay que dar exàmen ante el MINISTERIO DE JUSTICIA Y DERECHOS HUMANOS DE LA NACION, para ser mediador, y este exàmen es riguroso, las PASANTIAS en Mediaciòn son de 20 hs. y como mediadora y docente con muchos años de experiencia de vida y profesional, a veces me preocupa que alumnos sin mayor experiencia , se sientan seguros , de entrar en la sala de mediaciòn,negociaciòn o conciliaciòn laboral, ya que tomo audiencias en la temàtica, sin haber presenciado durante por lo menos un año , audiencias en vivo , en casos reales, como las que yo les ofrezco a mis alumnos, y luego ante ese abanico de emociones, creencias limitantes y demàs, se cohiban y terminen el proceso , casi huyendo , por que los desborda.- Saludos Cordiales

  2. Alvin Leung

    I agree with the theme of your article. Being a successful mediator, we must analyze the cast to be mediated carefully before starting mediation. We could not know what would happen during mediation process. So with more practices, it would be helpful for a mediator. With more experience, we could store up different tools for handling conflict and it could be useful when we facing similar situation on mediation process.

    Being a mediator, we could not guarantee that all mediations we handle could be with conflict solved successfully. We could only make sure that the mediation we handle is with our upmost effort.

  3. Keble

    This is the reality that we are facing in almost every field – matching theory with practice. Incorporating a simulation in the round table may help us Fellows to have a practical experience.

    1. ESTIMADA : gracias por compartir mi artìculo, creo necesario, que antes de entrar en la sala de negociaciòn , el mediador , debe haber presenciado, como los futuros mèdicos , un año de presenciar mediaciones en vivo en casos reales .- Puès de la teorìa a la pràctica , hay un gran trecho, y para que estos medios alternativos sean aceptados por toda la comunidad, deben ser desempeñados por muy buenos negociadores, mediadores, conciliadores laborales, àrbitros. etc. Es el buen oficio el que hace que las personas salgan satisfechas y sus conflictos resueltos. – propongo una lista internacional de WHO IS WHO in mediation o mètodos RAD. saludos cordiales .-

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